Loâded Bâked Potâto Câsserole

Loâded Bâked Potâto Câsserole

Loâded bâked potâto câsserole is comfort food ât its finest. Mâde with reâl cheese, reâl potâtoes ând reâl bâcon, it's the ültimâte fâmily fâvorite side dish.
CoürseMâin Dish, Side Dish
Servings Prep Time
12 servings 25 minütes
Cook Time
55 minütes
4 lbs Red Potâtoes, cüt into qüârters

1/4 cüp Bütter (Softened)
1/4 cüp Milk
1/2 cüp Soür Creâm
1 tsp Better Thân Büillon Chicken Bâse
1 tsp Sâlt
1/2 tsp Pepper
1/2 tsp Gârlic Sâlt
1/2 tsp Gârlic Powder
2 cüps Câche Vâlley Creâmery Cheddâr Cheese, Freshly grâted (Divided)
15 slices Bâcon, cooked ând crümbled (Divided)
3 Green Onions, chopped
Servings: servings


1. Boil potâtoes in â lârge pot of wâter for âboüt 25 minütes or üntil tender. Drâin well ând retürn potâtoes to the pot. Mâsh the potâtoes with â potâto mâsher.
2. Preheât oven to 350 degrees F. Sprây â 13x9 inch bâking dish with nonstick cooking sprây ând set âside.
3. Âdd soür creâm, bütter, milk, sâlt, pepper, boüillon chicken bâse, gârlic sâlt ând gârlic powder to the mâshed potâtoes. Mix well with â mixer or lârge spoon.
4. Stir in 1 cüp of freshly grâted Cheddâr Cheese ând 2/3 of the crümbled bâcon.
5. Plâce the potâto câsserole mixtüre in ân even lâyer in the prepâred bâking dish. Bâke in oven for 25 minütes.
6. …………
7. …………

Ful recipes: momalwaysfindsout

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